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It's sitting right in front of you!


With so many social media choices, it can be a challenge to find or create unique content for all of these channels. In a past blog post, I talked about choosing the best social media channel for your organization.  If you’ve already decided on one or two channels for your organization, the next step is coming up with content for that channel. Sounds like a pretty big undertaking, right? Well, I have great news for you! You already have the content- you just need to figure out how to use it on your social media channels. Do more with less! It’s not about constantly creating new content; promote the content you already have.

Chances are, you probably already a newsletter, a press release, or a website filled with information, pictures, quotes, donor info, and goals about your organization - all waiting to be transformed into the perfect tweet or Facebook post! Here’s a few ways you can repurpose your existing content for social media:




  • Use #hashtags!! Hashtags are a great way to connect with a community. Maybe there’s a hashtag for the issue you are raising awareness for (#adoptdontshop or #savetheplanet) that you can include to join in conversations.
  • Follow back. It’s not in bad taste. If someone follows you, don’t be afraid to follow back. Remember, being on social media means being social. Start a conversation, tag, retweet.
  • Include links and pictures. Similar to Facebook, tweets with images, gifs, and links often perform better than plain text. Out of every 5 tweets, try to include 2 picture or link.

Post Ideas

  • Live tweet from events or meetings
  • Share an article from experts in your focus area
  • Have something to announce? Put it on Twitter
  • Donations – Remind people of what a donation goes towards
  • Have real time conversations with your audience and potential donors
  • Rewteet tweets from partnering organizations




  • Use images! According to social media data expert Dan Zarrella, posts with images get more likes and shares than posts without.
  • Check your metrics, and see which posts perform better. Once you’ve been measuring your post engagement for a few months, you’ll begin to see a pattern of engagement rates. Stick with posting that works for your org!
  • Remember to have fun and be personal! Facebook isn’t a network for robots; it’s a social network for people. Make sure your posts are passionate, personal, and opinionated. Try not to be too neutral; neutrality doesn’t have personality!

Post Ideas

  • Repurpose information from a press release
  • Post pictures from a live or past event
  • Announce a fundraising opportunity
  • Share stats and data that you're observing
  • Share a quote from your volunteers or a client
  • Post an invitation to join your email list



Use hashtags! It will put your picture in search feeds
Report live from events! You can share live photos and videos with your followers

Post Ideas
Live pictures and videos from events
Pictures of your volunteers or clients (try to make them candid and fun!)
Behind-the-scenes looks into the inner workings of your organization (or events)
Inspirational quotes and reminders


You see, Blondies, you can repurpose almost all of your content for social media. It’s about being creative with how you use what you’ve already got. Remember, when you are coming up with awareness campaigns or donation initiatives, keep social media in mind and maybe take a few extra photos, or get a few quotes; keep some stats in mind and record a video or two. Taking these small steps will really ramp up your content without taking up too much time.

Bonus- please remember to create and continue to update your social media content calendar. It will help you stay on track and up-to-date, plan ahead, and be in control of your social media channels. If you’re not sure how to create a content calendar, stay tuned! 


All my love,

